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Mari Monn
Mari Monn is offline
Old 10-03-2009, 04:39 AM

[ Glad you decided to join mine. :D It is pretty dead. XD Hope more people join. ]

She didn't say anything as he proclaimed the forest to be his. If he wanted to mock her that was just fine. But in return he may learn the hard way that it was her beach. However, she decided to give the male one more chance. As he had been looking around she had gotten into a more comfortable position for herself. She now laid on her right side. Her left arm came forward and bent across her stomach, fingers burring under the sand. Her right arm lifted and she held her head in her hand by her ear. Fingers laced through the falling, sand filled locks.

"They call me Thelchtereia."

She had spoke it in an odd tongue, one not familiar with most man nor beast. Though with the beautiful accent, it had been lazy as she had now been relaxing herself, not caring for much around her.

"I suppose it would be easier to call me Thelchi. And you?"

Of course, it took an effort for her to act well enough to care and ask the man that simply put question in return. This was just how she was, and she couldn't help it. Talk about the independent, over-confident woman.