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Mirielle195 is offline
Old 10-17-2009, 05:29 AM

A/N: Lol well you're lucky that I am still on hehe. Here's the next part hehe.


The fire spread quickly. The mystical creatures were astonished when the humans started helping. But their efforts were done in vain as the fire surrounded them.
Meanwhile, Pristine and the woodland animals ran as fast as possible to find Pristine’s friends.
“I must hurry. There’s not much time left.” Pristine thought.
She sensed Lance and knew he was near. Most of the time she avoided the fire, but at times she dodged falling, burning debris. Still she got a bit banged up whenever she fell down. She stopped at a wall of fire and knew immediately that Lance and the others were on the other side. She looked at the animals and told them she’ll be back shortly. Taking a deep breath and holding the Stone of Water in her hand, she jumped through the fire. Miraculously, the fire didn’t touch her thanks to the Stone of Water. She saw her friends and others scrambled to try and douse the fire. Pristine felt fear, chaos, and pain. Suddenly, memories of another time flashed into Pristine’s mind and it became too much for her as she screamed in agony. This act caught everyone’s attention as they all turned to see Pristine fell to her knees.
“Pristine!” Lance yelled.
He was about to go up to her, but was halted by Mallian.
“No! I will not allow this!” Pristine shouted before gathering herself.
To all of the mystical creatures’ astonishment, Pristine took out the two stones as they started to glow as well as Pristine.
Holding up the Stone of Water, Pristine commanded, “Please, Stone of Water! Open the sky and let the healing rain wipe out this destruction!”
Suddenly, the sky darkened and rain began to fall, and eliminated the huge fire. Pristine took a deep breath. She needed to stay focus because healing was a consuming and draining ordeal.
Placing the Stone of Water down, she reached for the Stone of Fire and holding it up, she beckoned, “Stone of Fire, renew this enchanted place and bring back life to the forest!” Wind blew through the area as the forest transformed into a lush and green utopia once more. Pristine managed to put the stones away before collapsing. Lance ran over to her and took her in his arms.
“Pristine? Are you all right?” he asked.
Pristine did not respond.
“Pristine? Pristine!! Wake up!! Please!” Lance begged.
Her face was stark white and she felt limp. For one second, Lance thought the worse. Pixie, who recovered from the shock, came up to Lance and placed her ear on Pristine’s chest.
“She’s alive.” Pixie said, causing Lance to sigh in relief.
“Open her mouth please.” Pixie ordered him.
Lances did. Pixie took out a pouch, which was strap around her waist.
“I need some spring water.” she asked to no one in particular.
“Isn’t that hard to find though?” asked Grayson.
“It’s no trouble.” said a golden hair fairy before coming up next to Pixie as she knelt down.
The fairy handed Pixie a bottle of spring water that’s strapped around her waist.
“Thanks, Marigold.” Pixie thanked her before taking some power from her pouch and placed it in the water.
She swirled it around and gave the mixture to Pristine, who slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open and the first person she saw was Lance.
She smiled at him and asked, “Hi Lance. Is something wrong?”
Lance just shook his head, embraced Pristine, and whispered into her ear, “Pristine. I swear I don’t know what I am going to do with you.”
Pristine wrapped her arms around him. His embrace and scent began to have a profound effect on her.
Finally, she whispered, “Why do anything? Lance, you got to understand that I had to do it. I couldn’t bare it if anything happened to you or anyone.”
Lance knew she was right, but seeing her like this always left him helpless, and he hated feeling that way. Reluctantly, he loosened his hold on her. Pristine turned to Pixie, who’s baffled by Lance’s compassion. Having excellent hearing, she heard everything that the two said.
Pristine snapped Pixie out of her revelry when Pristine replied, “You. You’re an elf, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. My name is Pixie. You must be Pristine.”
“Indeed I am. How did you know that?”
“I heard lover boy here calling out your name.” Pixie smirked at Pristine, causing her to blush.
Lance just grinned.
“We’re you the one who gave me that remedy?”
“Yes, I was. It helps bring back physical and mental strength. Are you feeling better?” “Yes, I am. Thank-you very much.”
“It is I and the other inhabitants of this forest who should be thankful. You saved our home, and for that we are eternally grateful.”
Pixie and the other creatures bowed causing Pristine to become all modest and turn red. The woodland animals suddenly surrounded Pristine, Lance, and Pixie.
“Wow, it’s rare that these creatures approach anyone. You are gifted to earn their trust so quickly.” replied Pixie.
She turned to Pristine’s friends and replied, “As for the rest of you humans, please accept our apology for being so rude. You have proven to be sincere. Now, if I may ask for your names, please.”
Each of them introduced themselves. Lance helped Pristine get up. He kept a hand on her waist to keep her steady. The mystical creatures went back to their daily business. The only ones left were Pixie, Pristine, and her group.
“Now travelers. If my memory serves me right, you are searching for the unicorn princess right? I am assuming then you want to know where the Stone of Wood is right?” Pixie asked.
“Yes, please.” nodded Pristine.
“Very well. Follow me please.”
Pixie led them through the woods.
“Pixie, we know about the forest dwellers relationship with the unicorns, but have you ever known any yourself?” Kyra asked.
Pixie looked at the human girl and decided that it’s all right to tell her a little bit about her.
“Indeed I did. In fact, one of the duchesses from the princess’s court was my best friend.”
“Really? Did you get the chance to meet the princess then?”
“Yes I did on numerous occasions, and no, I am not going tell you anymore.”
Kyra sighed and wondered why no one would tell them about the princess. But not wanting to press her luck, Kyra remained silent.
“Pixie? We know what the other two stones’ powers are, but what about the Stone of Wood?” asked Ophealia.
“The Stone of Wood has the power of sanctuary. In other words, it protects others from physical, emotional, and mental attacks. And it controls earth elements. All three stones have elemental powers.”
“Um, why isn’t there a Stone of Air by any chance?” asked Grayson.
“Well, Drackor didn’t have enough time to place a fourth Shield up around one more area. Zeather beat him to it. Since he only had three sanctuaries, he could only split the Crystal of Life three ways. So in each stone he placed a little bit of Air’s power.” Mallian replied.
“Do you know where the fourth Shield would have been placed?” asked Kyra.
“Most likely the mountain range near the Unicorn realm. It’s called the Mountains of Eternity.” guessed Pixie.


A/N: Next will be the final part of Ch. 5. hehe.