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Vexous is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 12:00 PM

Lexera looked around eagerly. "Great no ones here" he whispered and pulled out a small loaf of bread. "i usually cant carry much food one me, but i try to feed those of which can still chew." she said with a smile.
Braking of a small part she lifted it up to Edie's mouth. "i'm very sorry but Vincent has used some sort of magic on the chains so i can not free you, believe me i have tried."
she told Edie as he ran her other hand across a small scar on the side of her face.
"i'm afraid i do not have any water tho, i will try to sneak down during the day, when Vincent sleeps."

Vincent walked farther down the hall under reaching a set of large doors, pushing then open he was fretted with beautiful women. "My master your back so soon?' one asked "would you like us to pleasure you my lord" another replied.
"not know ladies i have company, care to help me clean him up?" he asked them, he enjoyed playing like this, it's not like they could disobey him, so they went straight for Vaynel.
one giggled as she stripped off his shirt and run a hand up his chest.
"Master what would you like us to do?" another asked. "give him a bath, if he is to stay here for the time being or at least until i can find him an owner i want him clean."
"Of course my lord" they entered as the three women pushed Vaynel towards the bathroom.