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CrimsonRainX is offline
Old 10-28-2009, 09:17 PM

Not hot on guys... It just makes me wonder if it hurts or if they had been castrated.

Looks good on girls with skinny legs and particular complimentary clothing(punkish, loose shirts/tunic, etc...), and not with open-toed shoes unless they are elegant heels. The legs don't have to be only skin and bone, just as long as the pants fit right(no muffin top, cleavage, etc...).

I have a couple pairs of my own but one is mostly denim and is very uncomfortable and stiff and the other is more stretchy but is always slipping down... I also don't have the skinniest of legs, but I'm working on it. >_<

I agree on the rain thing, though. Looser pants that go over your shoes and touch the ground soak up so much more rain water. But wearing the skinny jeans prevents most of that.

Male=not hot
Female=hot as long as not too tight and legs are somewhat slim
