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Chikuma is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 07:57 AM

Vaynel stood still and kept his gaze lowered while the man examined him. His questions were said more as statements than showing any real interest in wanting a reply from him so he did not reply. He did not know what the sword or the shield meant but he guessed it had to do with his ability to fight and obey orders while in werewolf form.

Though he was not one hundred percent sure he came to the conclusion that whether this man decided to keep him or not he should, from now on, call him master. If he erred he would be set straight on the matter. He bowed his head slightly and said, "Yes Master." He then turned and followed the path they had taken not long before.

Once down in the trading hall Vaynel looked for 'ears' as the master had said. He saw a woman who fix the rather un-detailed description. He approached the woman and said, "If you are the one called Lexera our Master bids you come to him immediately with a human slave."

(( Oh yeah I'll need to know when night is coming because he changes every night. The less full the moon the easier to control.))