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Ticking Time Bomb of Titillation
Facade is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 02:02 PM

Our high school art teachers are iffy. I don't know any of them all that personally, since I'm not an Arts person. P: I can't draw, or paint, or sculpt, or anything! I can write, but that's obviously not their expertise. :lol:
I have Digital Imaging next semester though, and I hope it's fun! It's not precisely an art class, but at the same time, it can be!

I plan on being an English teacher, personally. I love English. I'd probably also get my AP license ASAP, because I can't imagine teaching numbskulls in entry-level English for all that long before wanting to shoot myself. >_o
Not that AP students are always all that more mature - it's just a more intimate classroom setting, from my experience. I'd love to teach AP Composition, because, as I said, I love writing! C:

XD Sorry for rambling your heads off. I tend to get that way. :heart: