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Youn is offline
Old 10-31-2009, 02:05 PM

Sirocco: Thank you! <3
Ooh, the voodo set is lovely.

Kalyst: I think that means we can't trade with the event currency between users. :3
You and I can't trade skeleton parts with each other but we can trade one kind of parts to another kind of parts for our own personal use.

Astrelle: Hehe, me, my sisters and some relatives went trick or treating back in 1995 since we'd got inspiration from a visit to California that summer. No one knew what we were talking about. They just looked at us with blank faces, asking "what? Aren't you kids a little early for Easter?". XDD
(Swedish kids go around asking for candy on Easter rather than Halloween.)
But lately, in the last four-five years or so, Halloween has started to catch on. I guess no one wanted to pass up the chance for more free candy. XD