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Luenola Marxiel
Radiance of the Night Sky
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Luenola Marxiel is offline
Old 11-01-2009, 04:26 AM

XIX The Sun
Line art by Valendra. Luel just put a coloured sun behind it. Luel told Valen this would be a post/thread banner someday. XD"

As mentioned earlier, we will be playing Hang Man throughout the event whenever any of the hosts feel like holding a round.
If anyone else would like to hold a round, get permission from a host. This is how it's going to go down...

1. We decide on a category. A host can decide and/or take suggestions.
2. We figure out how many people are playing in this round. It doesn't seem fair for people to join halfway with full HP when some letters have already been revealed, so once we officially start a round with the participant list we have, newcomers will have to wait till the next round.
3. We pick the word or phrase and post the round. This here is the format for everyone's convenience:
Hang Man
Category: e.g. Movie
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ _ _

Participants List
Participant - remaining HP (letters guessed)
4. Each participant guesses a letter. Please make it clear which alphabet you are guessing (say it's your guess, bold and capitalize it, etc.). If it's in the word, it's revealed. If not, the participant loses 1 HP.
5. Everyone participating starts off with 7 HP, and HP are lost till zero (out of the game) or the word/phrase is guessed, as shown in Luel's fail! stick diagram here:

6. A participant may guess the word/phrase during his/her turn to guess a letter. Be warned, however, that if you guess wrongly, you lose all your remaining HP!
7. The round ends when all the letters are revealed or someone guesses the word correctly.

If you guess the word correctly before all the letters are revealed, you get 2 points.
Participating in a round, no matter how many points you are left with at the end, gets you 1 points.

Last edited by Luenola Marxiel; 11-01-2009 at 12:09 PM..