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Lise is offline
Old 11-03-2009, 06:04 AM

I do not believe that is what the spirits were trying to convey. Perhaps you should take some time to meditate on your answer.
As for your latest question, the spirits had this to say:
Nothing, over time, remains static, however much remains similar.

Wendy Darling:
Some answers have been long decided as a result of your own actions.

Perhaps you should meditate on your answer in relation to your situation for a while... Clarity may yet come.

Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda:
Perfection does not exist in this world, but happiness does.

If change ever becomes a negative thing, I am consulting the wrong universe.

Infatuation comes and goes and comes again with the seasons, a bond of the souls holds it all together.

These will be my last fortunes for the evening. I thank you all for allowing me to practice, but my mind and the voices of the spirits grow hazy... I require my rest. Post your requests and I'll attend to them once I am able to.
If you do not understand the answer the spirits have given you, try sleeping on it and perhaps it will become clear. If it does not, you may ask another question.