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Queen Lavina
Lunaiika is offline
Old 11-09-2009, 11:56 PM

{]|Finally, a color for Alice. XD|[}

Alice found herself slowly starting to just graze over the words in her book, and not really read them. After a chapter or two, she gave up. She was too distracted. Then, from her eye level, in that ditch, she could see a small opening on the down side of a tree. She tilted her head sideways a bit in disbelief.

Standing up, she then realized that the dent in the tree was much harder to find, even when she knew where it was. It looked as if it could fit a small animal... A Rabbit of some sort..

She shook her head. She denied any possibility that that was happening again. Or a rodent, or some small deer.. She tried to plead herself with these thoughts for a few moments, before walking over and kneeling next to the tree. Then, like magic, she realized that out of the blue she could fit through it. Alice leaned back, and just stared into the dark abyss that suddenly felt like it could go forever.

"Is this even.. real?" She asked herself silently, looking up at how big the luxuriously green tree was, comparing it to the not as beautiful trees around it. "Or am i dreaming.. and it's just a long... realistic... normal-life dream..?"
This puzzled her.