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Toujours Pur
Toujours Pur is offline
Old 11-10-2009, 03:31 AM

A nasty habit for a nasty time.” she said a light smirk on her lips. “Isn’t that what meetings are? Running into one another, stopping to chat?” she spoke with a light yawn. “It’s a wonder one can even think of sleeping now a days yet alone do it…what with the raids and all, what do they think we are hiding Alice in our sock drawers?” she spoke, her once nasty habit of speaking in poems and questions seemed to fade lightly, but she knew once she had the sweet nicotine in her system the questions and Rhymes would come back, and she would be her own self once more. She Sighed deeply once more and looked around her light blue eyes searching the area, save the Queen had troops out. She snorted at the Chesire Cat's 'Favor' comment.

Forest is more dangerous now, for everyone, the Queen has lost her own head….has she not?
she spoke calmly. “If Alice were here the Queen wouldn’t have a hope in hell…then again I don’t think this time they will play a nice game of Croquet.” she spoke again her voice trailing off to save from finishing her thoughts outloud."Then again I wouldn't want to wish this" she waved her hand showing she meant Wonderlands fall from grace. "on the young girl." She paused to think. "Or maybe I do...I don't know what I wish anymore..."

Last edited by Toujours Pur; 11-10-2009 at 03:36 AM..