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The Anti-Rainbow.
KittehMEW is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 04:17 AM

Winchester was about to sit down, relax for a moment, and close his eyes, while Irwin had gone off to clean his cut, that Winchester really didn't even remember. Something was wrong with him, lately his memory was so bad... Just as his head hit the back of the chair, a heavy sigh escaping him, finally feeling relaxed after everything that happened. Then, he heard something, a shout, and Irwin cursing in the bathroom. Just as he was getting up, and walking towards the bathroom, Irwin came rushing out, freaking out about something, but at first, Winchester didn't even notice. Then, he saw it, the blood, his blood, was a strange colour, not something he was used to seeing, and he was a doctor. Yet still, it didn't seem to weird him out as much as it did Irwin, who seemed like he was almost in tears.

Watching his friend bury his face in his hands, Winchester sighed, not even thinking when he stepped closer to him, wrapping his arms around Irwin. "You're not a freak." He whispered, trying to calm him down, but really, he didn't know if it would work. He was sure he'd be rather freaked out if his blood was a different colour, and his skin, and his eyes, and that he couldn't breath air anymore... Damn, that was a lot.