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Hetlia has invaded my brains. The world map is now a social gathering to me! xD
Ikami-San is offline
Old 11-16-2009, 09:53 PM

He followed Winchester back into the bathroom. Irwin noticed that Winchester was tired. "After this, maybe you should go to sleep." Irwin suggested showing his friend his arm. "I'll stay right here." The man then added hoping that saying that would coax Winchester to agree with him. He too was a little tired, but Irwin didn't want to make it all about him, so he just ignored his tiredness for the time being, since Winchester was worrying about him almost the entire day.

One of Winchester's cats sat at the bathroom door, and looked at the two of them. Irwin looked down, and frowned deeply at the cat. He then hissed at it, and it hissed back. He took a step forward, and the cat ran away. 'Stupid cat...' Irwin thought sourly.