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I am known on some other sites as Kity Sohma or Kity Sedai
LadyKikyo is offline
Old 11-26-2009, 06:45 PM

I totally forget what game it was now.... I traded it in because I just could not stand it after a while. But it was one where you had to repeatedly go back through the SAME exact area countless times no matter how far you got. I think it may have been a dungeon or labrynth type area but not sure now, it has been quite a while.

It is hard to make me totally give up on a game but it got really old going back through the same place even after you had gained 20+ levels and had no need of that area.... you just had to go back through it constantly to get anywhere else, and even though the things you were fighting were like 15 levels lower it did not matter, they still attacked. UGGGGGG

Right now I am playing Mana Khemia 2.... about to stop just because of Chloe's voice-over every time she is in batttle.... I probably will stick with it but geeez wish they could have given her more than one thing to say.... or at least something not as annoying!