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The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 11-29-2009, 12:04 AM

Hana sat up wide awake in her bed. She was shaken aways by a terrible nightmar. She listened to the stillness outside then to the sound of her father cooking and talking to Shigure in the kitchen. heaving a sigh she got up and dressd for the day. It was nothing specal that she would wake in a fright. This had been happening for a week now and She had sort of gotten use to it.
"Hana Breakfast is ready!" Shigure called from outside her door. Their home was a rather small home. It was big enough for the three of them and was at least five blocks from the main Ryuzkai "compund".
"Ok big brother!" Hana replied as she slipped into a baggy pair of black pants. She pulled a tight long sleaved shirt over her head and cracked her knuckles before sliding her door open and taking the 10 steps to the kitchen.
"Good moring my bud!" Ryuzkai-sensi stated as he cautght sight of Hana. She gave him a smile before digging in.