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Old 12-04-2009, 04:02 PM

- Counting –[the girl]

I count every step you make,
Every lie you hear,
Every chance you take.
I count your minutes and seconds,
To show you I care,
To show how much it means
For me
That you are here.
Standing there,
Right there in the light,
What are you waiting for?
I’m still counting your minutes
And you’ve been standing for so long.
You are looking at me.
You know I care,
Don’t you?
You can see that I’m counting.
I don’t want to miss a second,
I am here and watch you everywhere,
And everyday.
You are speaking
And I’m counting
Your words.
I can’t hear them
But I’m counting.
Why I’m counting all the time?
Because eternity is not for us,
For no one it is.
So, as you can see,
I don’t believe in eternity,
And I’m counting to see how much it lasts,
What is between us.
But what is between us?
I counted your actions,
Still, what did you do?
I counted your words,
Still, what did you say?
I counted your steps,
Still where did we go?
You are here,
I am here,
Where are we?
You can tell me
But I won’t hear
Cause I’m counting.

- Can’t you see? –[the guy]

I’m right in front of you
And you’re counting…
I want you so much that it hurts
But you can’t see me hurt
Cause you’re counting.
You look at me
But you see
Through me…
Don’t you see that I love you?
You don’t.
You counted my tears
But you never whipped them away.
What makes you so blind?
So blind in feelings?
Eternity is not for us,
But why not pretending?
We can belong to each other,
For ever.
Not as it is for everyone,
Not forever as in eternity.
How would it taste without you with me?
I would rather die sooner,
Than live without you.
But you are counting,
You are like an illusion;
If I touch you,
You won’t feel me.
If I talk to you,
You won’t hear me.
I would live an eternity with an illusion,
Because I know you.
Behind those numbers
What hides is such a beautiful soul,
A wonderful smile.
I take your hand,
I hold you close
And I kiss you

- Big numbers make me happy –[the girl]

You take my hand,
You hold me close,
You kiss me…
You did this so many times before,
I counted them all,
Big numbers,
They make me happy.
Our forever?
This is the first time
I hear about it,
One is a small number,
Still, it is new,
What does forever mean?
It’s like when you count endlessly?
Like a great number?
Like something that won’t end?
But I know your kisses will end.
Everything has an end,
I know this,
You know this,
We all know that the end is there,
Right there,
Waiting for all of us,
In many forms:
End of book,
End of road,
End of pain,
End of life,
I care for you
And those numbers show it,
They show how enormously I care.

- I care for no number –[the guy]

Your life is in numbers,
You care for them,
You depend so much on them.
I care for no number,
No counting will make me feel good,
You counted every single second,
Still, there was no moment,
No moment for us.

- Us –[the girl]

You leave,
And leave me with no excuse
To follow you.
I take your hand.
You see me blind,
I am not.
I care so much,
I am scared to show that.
When I really mean those words:
“I love you”-
Everything stops
Like nothing was,
Like nothing is
And nothing that would be.
I prefer living all my life pretending,
Than have to leave you,
For just one second.
You hurts so much,
Your tears burn inside me,
You love me.
You tell me so many times,
That my heart would just reject them
I am so scared that you would leave,
That you would forget our forever,
That you would break this promise.

[the guy]
For nothing real or unreal,
I would leave you.
You are more than eternity would mean to me.
You never did,
Never told me,
How you feel.
We touched like we did now,
But you didn’t show love,
Never cried,
Never told how much you fear.
Our promise is safe in our embrace.
You follow me,
But I am always behind you.
I waited for you to show,
To release pain,
And now you cry
And fear,
In my arms.
I will hold you like I never did,
Because I love you,
With every second you won’t count,
I will love you more and more,
Time will pass by as your tears
Roll down your cheeks,
You won’t feel it passing by,
But you will feel my arms,
My warmth,
And my love.