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One is never too early to monologue.
Ponta is offline
Old 12-05-2009, 06:13 AM

>>> Guava

“Hey Ras,” Sebastian said in a long, drawn out childish voice. He was sitting right next to the guy on his bed with his laptop. Ras turned the next page in the book he was reading. “Ras,” Sebastian pouted, “Don’t ignore me!”
Ras set down the book, “I wasn’t ignoring you,” he frustratingly sighed, “I just finished the chapter, that’s all.”
“Oh,” the red head grinned, “Was it a good read?”
“I guess,” Ras fell back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling, “Would have been better if you stopped prodding me with your feet.”
“But,” Sebastian moved closer to Ras’s face, “You know I do it out of love!”
Ras rolled his eyes, “You do everything that annoys me out of love.” He sat back up and looked at his friend, “Was there anything specific you wanted earlier or just attention?”
“I’m not like a dog,” Sebastian turned his laptop around to face Ras, “I can’t figure out what to do on this report. I can’t find anything on it.”
“What’s it on?”
Ras raised an eyebrow, “You mean guava?”
“Uh… yeah!”
“It’s a fruit and people eat it… what else do you need to know?”
Sebastian starting to push his fingers together, “ummm….” Ras knew all too well what this meant.
“I’m not doing your report for you!” He picked his book back up, “And especially not for any sexual favors.”
“Fine,” Sebastian stuck up his nose, “You’re the worse boyfriend ever! Not helping me on my guave report!”
“It’s guava!”

Sebastian and Ras from Saint Saffron