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One is never too early to monologue.
Ponta is offline
Old 12-06-2009, 04:28 AM

>>> Ramen

Some days I just want to ring his little neck out.
When I first met Jan, I hate to say it, but I was fascinated by him. I mean, I couldn’t even tell if he was a girl or a guy. He explained he wasn’t really transgender, that he fully accepted being a guy, he just liked wearing effeminate clothing. And little did I know that not only would I end up dating the cross dresser, but falling in love with him too. I had been with other guys before, but not with one so – insane.
“Fuck,” Jan lashed out on his keyboard, “I hate writer’s block!”
He was destroying my apartment – I regret agreeing he could live with me during summer break. He was camped out on my couch, wearing my white button down shirt and a pair of white socks. The only other thing he had on was one of his many headbands. He was obsessed with headbands – I believe his collection was almost at two hundred. He sat twirling his fingers through his silky brunette hair and blaring some god awful pop music. He would literally do this for hours and hours and my coffee table was starting to become covered in snack boxes, chip bags, and cans of soda.
“Why don’t you take a fucking break,” I finally sat next to him on my couch, “And turn off that shitty music.”
He glared at me through his red framed glasses, “And you said you liked this band.”
“Well after you hear the same song the HUNDREDTH time you get sick of it.”
He titled his head, “I’ve played it a hundred times?”
“It’s been on repeat the whole time.”
“Oh,” Jan looked down at his laptop and then pressed the mute button, “Taken care of! Now how about lunch?”
I sighed, I was paying for all the delivery so my funds were dwindling fast. Luckily I had stopped by the grocery store to pick up some stuff. “How about ramen?”
“You mean that stuff that’s ten cent a packet?”
“If you don’t like it, go live back home.”
“I do like ramen – we just got to jazz it up a bit!”
“Jazz it up?”
Jan went on to explain that his friends in high school would make big pots of ramen and add some other ingredients to the pot – he used egg and hot dog. Surprisingly, it didn’t taste too bad. I guess it was a lot better than just throwing the ramen noodles into the microwave with that crappy seasoning pack. Maybe living with Jan wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Duncan and Jan from Untitled