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One is never too early to monologue.
Ponta is offline
Old 12-08-2009, 06:11 PM

>>> Bread

It was damp in that god forsaken cell. The cinder blocks had been molded over with mildew and it was absolutely frigid. The airship must have traveled to an even higher altitude – maybe they were approaching Elsu soon. Normally, I’d be content arriving at the kingdom in the clouds but now I was dreading it. I would soon be going to trial over the injustice I caused to my kingdom.
Injustice? Pah! I did no such injustice to my kingdom, my lord, or any of the loyal subjects of Elsu. This was all my brother’s doing. The only “injustice” I caused would be against poor Bibi who I knew I should have never gotten involved with in the first place. She was too young and naďve, but her advances were becoming too much to handle and then I didn’t know what I had gotten myself involved in. The worse thing is that I now have genuine feelings towards her – and my brother took me away from her.
As soon as that little bastard found out my relationship with Bibi, he put me under arrest, citing not only the laws of Elsu, but playing at my lord’s heartstrings by saying, “What if it had been Kyla? Her and Bibi are almost the same age.” Hesitantly, my lord allowed the arrest but reassured me that I would get a fair trial.
But if my lord cared so much, then why would I be in this dreaded, damp cell?
I heard a creak and looked up, my so-called dinner was being brought to me… by him.
“This is the perfect image of you, Moose,” Noah smirked, “Rotting away like this.”
“Everyone thinks you’re so noble and innocent Noah,” I spat at him, “But I know you’re just shit.”
He wiped his face with his sleeve, “That’s better than being you, Moose…” He dropped my tray on the floor, just outside the cell, “You’re nothing and no one will ever care when you’re gone.” He turned and left, slamming the door behind him.
I reached, stretching my arm as possible to grab the food. The only thing I could reach was the bread… stale bread.
I was really starting to become nothing, rotting away in this cell, eating the morsels of hard, stale and flavorless bread.

Moose and Noah from Everything You Want