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One is never too early to monologue.
Ponta is offline
Old 12-08-2009, 10:41 PM

>>> Orange Juice

“Ahhh,” I pleasantly said to myself after taking a sip of orange juice from the carton, “Today’s going to be a good day.”
I kicked the door back on the fridge and walked over to my comfort with the carton. I sat down, took another swig, and flipped on the television. “I love it when I don’t have to work,” I said out loud. I of course felt like someone, anyone would reply, but it was just me. Just me, Kingston Joseph McCrary, alone in his pink trailer – my “man cave.”
I took another sip, letting the acidic taste tingle down my throat. Some days I really should just go into work, I thought to myself, because who really wants to be alone all the time? It was fun watching the television in nothing but my underwear, but that got boring – fast. And to make things worse, no one was re-running episodes of Scrubs and that’s the best show on all of television.
I looked at the half empty carton of orange juice. Maybe I should become an alcoholic… vodka tastes pretty good with orange juice and it would give me something to do…
Nah, booze is too expensive and it already costs too much to keep my dirty magazine collection going. Not to mention, I still had unfinished court bills to pay from all those lousy sexual harassment cases. Sexual harassment – yeah right! You look at someone the wrong way these days and it counts as sexual harassment. Now maybe sometimes I got too far out of line but I can’t be that bad! Can I?
I put the carton to my lips, thought about it some more before shrugging my shoulder and gulping down more of the orange juice. It was refreshing – better than the crap that’s in the cafeteria that’s no pulp and therefore no good.
Man, today’s just going to be a boring day… I took a final sip and killed the carton. It was just like my life.

Kingston from Silvercrest Hospital