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Strawberry Kitkat
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Strawberry Kitkat is offline
Old 12-10-2009, 11:33 PM

Liesel felt herself turned, and when she saw her brother she couldn't help but be glad that Ares had an arm around her, which would keep her brother away for now. Then again, she was terrified of Ares touching her- that was, after all, the reason Gerome was mad.
"Brother," she said, a soft greeting but also an apprehensive warning. She was begging him not to do anything stupid, not here, not now- he could take it out on her later. She didn't want her beloved Ares to fly into a temper and harm (or be harmed by) Gerome.


"Yes, well enough," he said, his voice soft and deadly. He glanced at Liesel as she called to him, and she obviously got the message as she shrunk under Ares' arm. They would have to discuss this later. "The children should be playing anytime soon- will anyone be so kind as to see that Cain is alright?" For a brief second, he wanted Ares to volunteer, so that Gerome could sneak up behind him and murder him, pleasing himself and Cain, but then decided against it. There would be a much better punishment coming his way.