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Synthetika is offline
Old 12-12-2009, 05:23 AM

Harry potter wins by far I read that series back in middle school... which was a long time ago i cant believe its been out that long O_o oh gee i was young when they released the first one xD haha well i liked the story but my taste in reading has changed alot and im not as excited about the newest books in the series i dont know if i will even buy them >.< and i'm going to wait for the newest movie to come out on dvd


i will not touch the twilight book with a 10 foot pole, no offense twilight fans <3 i watched the movie and didnt like it at all... it just isnt my cup of tea.... the reason i wont read the book now is because my friend read it and said it was pretty much the same as the movie... i dont know its targeted at a younger audience i suppose >.> sorry if your older and like it, i judge not!