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Yeah, how does it feel to get a taste of the silver bullets from the other side?
Arechi is offline
Old 12-26-2009, 06:12 PM

Break had heard the request of the Jabberwock of taking Emily with him and having them wait for her. He didn't really like that idea at all, after all though the young girl had been to Wonderland many of times this was not the same. Plus he couldn't allow her to go on her own in such a dangerous place with a man they didn't even recognize. Of course though the doctor would have easily recognized the wonderland creature if he were in his beastly form, but he currently wasn't in that particular form so of course he didn't know. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the said girl to have made it safely across the broken bridge and was relieved.

When Emily had spoken up about wishing for the small group to go with her he was relieved of course. He knew that Wonderland was currently dangerous for any of them and that being a group would be the best bet of survival. He frowned a bit at the Jabberwock's somewhat dodging answers. The creature was answering Emily's inquiries though he appeared to be hiding some parts of his answers. "If I may I feel that before you go wisking any of us away it would be prudent to tell us exactly where the destination is and who this friend is. Being Emily's doctor I am required to ask as such and know as such to ensure her as well as the other's safety, so as she has asked exactly where and whom is this friend and place you wish to take her?" he asked calmly and coming up with an excuse to try and get the creature to open up more with more details of what exactly he had intended.

Gilbert wasn't a scaredy cat, but rather he had just made it over what could have very well been his death. He found that the others had to have been even slightly more insane, that none of the others seemed to realize that they could have all died right then and there had they made one slip up in getting across. As his heart rate slowed to its normal pace and his body calmed down, Gil was able to slowly start to stand. When he heard the voice of the Jabberwock though he did jump slightly, as he hadn't expected it as he had been 'blind' and 'deaf' to everything else around him for a few moments and thus did not at first notice the presence of the creature.

As he heard the request to take Emily and for them to stay he, like Break, didn't like that idea for very much the same reasons. He was about to speak and protest when he heard Emily speak up and already voice objection to the Jabberwock's request. He heard as the Wonderland creature replied that if he had to he would take them all with him, and then as he gave sort of dodged answers as to where and whom he was speaking of when Emily asked. It was then that the words of the Chesire Cat rung through his head: '
You'll have to hurry as untold danger spots ahead. Beware though as things are not as they seem any longer. What may look human may indeed be a foe so trust not your eyes but your gut feelings. Ignore your common sense and trust only your instincts as sense has no place here...Pursue Rabbit carefully...'

Gil wondered for a moment if anyone else had recalled the Chesire's warning. He couldn't exactly tell if they had or not so he decided he would confide in them as a refresher just in case. "Remember what the Cheshire Cat had said? That things may not appear what they seem and that danger was ahead of us, and how we should trust our instincts? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not getting a good feeling about him" he said quietly hoping that only the little group could hear his words.