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Sorry, we're all out of green
JellybeanInc is offline
Old 12-29-2009, 06:28 AM

:: Characters ::

Username: JellybeanInc
Name: Ruby Barzetti
Age: 19
Race: Human
Sexuality: Straight
History: Ruby lived with her older sister in the city while they both attended college; Ruby being a freshman. They were both out of town visiting their parents when the Vamps and Were's broke out of the institute. By the time they came back most of the city's population was already dead. They drove to Aruna's house as it was the closest one to them. When they arrived Ruby's sister told her to wait inside the house and that she would be right back. Ruby never saw her sister again.

Originally Posted by Magpie89

User Name: Magpie89
My Name: Aruna Lee Louis
My Age: 17
My Race: Human
My Sexuality: Straight
My History: Aruna's mother owned a bakery on the corner of Pine Street and she was helping her mother clean out the ovens in the back storage area when it happened. When the werewolves and vampires broke loose, they attacked her mother, who was outside cleaning the windows of the shop. Aruna hid in a storage closet they were gone and a few minutes later, she heard footsteps walk over to the closet where she was hiding and Ruby opened the door. They both ran to Aruna's backyard where her and her friends had discovered an opening to the catacombs. They both quickly slipped into the small hole without being seen or smelt by the vampires and werewolves.
My Appearance:
Originally Posted by Vanidar
User Name: Vanidar
My Name: Tawny Vocelli (Vo-chel-ee)
My Age: 19
My Race: Human
My Sexuality: Bi but leans toward boys
My History: Raised as the daughter of a scientist, Tawny was always somewhat ostracized because she was labeled as the 'weird girl. When her father became one of the men to to lock up the vampires and werewolves she was further ostracized. She lived in comfortable solitude and found solace in her books and music (she self-taught herself to play a plethora of instruments) for many years like this, until the breakout. Her father was one of the first killed and her mother shortly after; the woman had been working in the institute when the breakout had occured. Tawny went underground with some of the others and it wasn't long before she fit in nicely. Everyone began to see usefulness in the 'weird kids' odd knowledge. She has helped them survive in the catacombs. Even still, Tawny's escape is music. She has kept her piccolo with her all this time in the tunnels. She's kept it clean and in perfect working order for when she needs to just get away.
My Appearance: Rather than pink, her hair is black. Her bag is actually a nearly black, hunter green. Clothes aren't always black but are nearly always (she has other colors too, dark green, dark blue, scarlet... no bright colors). She always wears a pair of fingerless gloves, mess/ fishnet material on the back but opaque palms.
See me as I am... I am the weird girl
Originally Posted by Aoi Kazuya
User Name:Aoi Kazuya
My Name:Raito Kumina
My Age:18
My Race:Human
My Sexuality:Bi
My History:Raito used to like going exploring by himself, to escape everything because since his sexuality wasn't exactly...straight...the other teens ostrasized him. That was fine with him. That was what he was doing when the breakout happened. He was really close to the institution where the vampires and werewolves were being kept and had heard the screams of the dying. They haunt his dreams, waking or asleep now. He somehow managed to get away and into the catacombs without being discovered and met the girls when they entered as well. He had his mp3 with him and tends to lose himself in music most of the time. Nobody knows but he sustained some injuries from the breakout which he keeps covered with bandages and of course wears a hoodie most of the time to cover those.
My Appearance:Linked for large image size
Originally Posted by Cassidy Lebeau
User Name: Cassidy Lebeau
My Name: Sirius Allen
My Age: 17
My Race: Human
My Sexuality: Straight
My History: Sirius was a well-known troublemaker in his town before the attack on humans. He was at a gas station, trying to steal a pack of cigarettes, when a werewolf burst through the window of the store and killed the clerk who was working the counter. Sirius took this opportunity to slip into the bathroom and climb out of the window in order to escape. He ran a couple of blocks and hopped a fence to get away from it, but when he turned around he saw a few other people, who he assumed to be survivors. It was from there, he stuck with them.
My Appearance:
Originally Posted by 13althazar
User Name:13althazar
My Name:Balthazar Ray
My Age:19
My Race: Human
My Sexuality: Straight
My History: Raised since he was young jumping from foster home to foster home, he has never felt like he really had anyone, always feeling alone. He never was able to comunicate well with people, dropping out of highschool as a senior just before it all happened. He hid in an abandoned building, on the edge of town. After a few days he was able to get to the catacombs. though unsure who else was down there.

My Appearance: Linked for large image size

User Name: JellybeanInc
My Name: Belle Noir
My Age: 423
My Race: Vampire
My Sexuality: Straight
My History: Belle came from a peasant family in the south of France. She worked hard as a laundress to keep food on her family's table. When a mysterious man moved into the large mansion down the lane she couldn't help but be curious and went to work as a kitchen aid. One night while walking home she was stopped by the coach of the Master of the mansion,who told her he would be happy to give her a ride to her home as the night was dangerous for a young girl like herself. That was the night her fate was sealed. Once he turned her he took her in for several decades while he showed her how to be a vampire. Together the traveled through Europe, tricking many aristocrats and gaining large amounts of wealth. She was traveling by herself through American when she heard from a group of vamps that a meeting would be held in a warehouse. She followed them so she could write home to her creator and was instead confined to the Institute instead.
My Appearance: Belle...linked because of picture size

Originally Posted by gloomythebear
User Name: gloomythebear
My Name: Lilith
My Age: 17
My Race: Vampire
My Sexuality: Straight
My History: lilith was raised around a sunny beach. her mother never let her go outside though. lilith has loved the water ever since. when she was set free she looked for her mother but couldnt find her because she ended up dying in containment. now she has a deep hatred for all human beings.
My Appearance: lilith always wears her mothers amythest necklace around her neck for safe keeping. her eyes are always a deep royal blue. she wears her eyeliner very dark and thick. she has a tight black tank top and a short pair of denim shorts with a black pentagram on each of the back pockets. lilith's hair is wavy, bleach blonde and reaches down almost to her waist.
Originally Posted by Magpie89
User Name: Magpie89
My Name: Adrien Marcell
My Age: 425 (Changed when he was 21)
My Race: Vampire
My Sexuality: Straight
My History: Adrien was a simple groundskeeper when he was talked into helping blow up the English Parliament by Guy Fawkes. After months of planning their plot was uncovered at the last moment and in the struggle that ensued between their group and the guards he was shot in the shoulder, the bullet hitting a major artery. He was able to drag himself way from the fight and sat propped up in an ally, slowly dying when a Vampire dressed as a peasant woman came across him. When she saw his face she decided that she wanted to keep him and dragged him further into the shadows so she could turn him. He lived with her for the first decade of his new life but grew bored with the life of a peasant and left her with a new toy to amuse herself with. He traveled across Europe for a while, before becoming bored there and getting on the next ship to the Americas. For centuries he traveled from one wealthy family home to the next establishing himself as the night guard of the house only to steal family jewels and silver.
When the Vampires and Werewolves were captured he faded into the background so he wouldn't be caught himself and only emerged again when the creatures of the night overwhelmed the humans.
My Appearance:
Originally Posted by Maka-chan
User Name:Maka-Chan
My Name:Shinku Imari Koshibo
My Age:17
My Race:Vampire
My Sexuality:Female
My History:Shinku was in an accident when she was 6 years old she doesn't remember what kind of accident but when she was in the accident she died along with her family there was no possible way that anyone could've survived the accident.when the doctors and cops arrived one doctor was a vampire and bit her in order to save her life.When he bit her he made her into a full blood vampire.As she was bitten he had saved her life though after the accident she began living her life in an orphanage.the orphanage had a school and a place to sleep.she lived there until the age she is now.
My Appearance


Last edited by JellybeanInc; 04-17-2010 at 07:20 AM..