Thread: Open Temple of B'alam
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Mongoose is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 04:23 AM

Price: 50g

There are many ways we conduct flatsales at this shop including....
1 The RP Way-This is usually done for rare colored and Yaxuns. A prompt will be under the idol. You have 20 minutes to write out at least a paragraph in response. Whoever answered the prompt the best will get the pet. A flatsale price of 10k applies.
2. The Speed Way-as the name implies, we post 'go' and you dash to claim your pet. Speed sales may or may not have additional specific instructions, so pay attention!
3. The Trivia Way-Again, pretty self-explanitory.
4. The Glyph Scavenger Hunt Way-I use the mule and my own account to post glyphs throughout the shop that have numbers. You have to find the glyphs and then post them in the thread and post the page number they were found on. The order of the people who post determine who gets first pick, second pick, etc.
5. The Picture Way- I ask for a picture and then roll the dice. You have to post the picture with image tags and roll the correct total that I roll. Also, fill out a form when you post.

Flatsale Rules
1. Do not whine if you don't win..just try again next time.
2. Be kind to others and do not guilt trip anyone out of trying
3. Only one per person, per post.
4. You can get one for someone else, but make sure to let us know beforehand.
5. Payment is due ASAP after the sale. If in 24 hours the trade isn't confirmed the pet goes up for sale again.
5. These are not RP required.
6. Only 2 people may co-own flatsale pets

Auctions start at 50 for regular B'alam and 500 for rarer B'alam. They usually last a week, although some could last longer. The minimum increasement is 1k and the autobuy varies or is not set. Also, there is an anti snipe guard. Every bid made close to the ending time has a grace period of 30 minutes.

Auction Rules

1. Do not guilt trip anyone out of bidding!
2. Do not form massive cheerleading squads for an individual bidder. "good luck" shouts are welcome.
3. Up to 3 people may co-own.
4. These are not RP required.
5. No drama allowed in the thread.
6. Payment due ASAP after 24 hours, the pet goes back up for sale.
7. No anonymous bidding.
8. Items accepted at 10% under TekTek

Raffles have an unlimited number of tickets and can last up to a week. The price per ticket is 100g. There is no ticket limit, but please do not gamble away your Gaian savings. Please note that there will be only one winner, although more prizes might apply if there is a considerable number of tickets.

-You may buy for other people as well as for yourself!

:!: Go to Post 12 for Custom info

Events to come: Valentines
Current events: None at this time

Not available at this time

Last edited by Mongoose; 01-11-2010 at 08:23 PM..