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say-i-love-you is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 03:34 AM

Pierre's eyes widened as he stared at the stake, to surprised to stop it as it soared into his chest and his body turned to as on the alley street.


The old man smiled gleefully as he threw the red sheet out of his window as the vampire crumbled into dust. Feeling a new sense of happiness take over at the girl's defeat, the man blissfully counted his gold coins and set off to bed.


Eli felt himself sag in relief as the red sheet flew out the window of the old man's home and his relief was immediately replaced with over excitement for his lovely girl. "My pet." He cooed before dropping his drink on the metal patio table of the balcony. His excitement for her was cut short as he eagerly raced from the small balcony and on to Paris.

The night was colder then usual, not that temperature could bother someone as eternal as Eli, however the streets were scarce of human meals. Eli simply wanted a snack in Amelia's honor though the idea of him drinking would probably disgust her. Shrugging his shoulders at the thought, Eli searched until he found a young homeless man wandering around and speaking crazed nothings to the wind. A simple prey but a satisfying snack Eli decided as he approached the man.

Eli didn't bother with his usual games as he drank from the man, the blood rushing over his tongue and soothing the dull burn in the back of his throat. His wit was for his darling Amelia alone and Eli's thoughts were consumed of her as he dropped the man's body to the ground and continued on his flight to Paris. He could not wait to write his lovely another note, wondering where they should travel next, as knowing that Amelia would be reading his notes was enough to send thrills through his spine. After the first test, Eli could only hope to find more difficult challenges for his pet.