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morning stories
morning stories is offline
Old 02-18-2010, 12:27 AM

1. First kiss
Characters: Kyle and Natalie
There was some need, some desire that ripped through him when he saw her. The first day she was there he knew she was someone special, someone he’d need close to his heart. A first attraction, he was naïve and he didn’t understand his own emotions. Kyle had been around many women, Madeline, Kate, his mother, the girls at school, but never had he felt so drawn to a girl that he couldn’t stop thinking about her. The moment he had a chance he tried to be her friend, force his way into her life and it seemed like she was glad to have another friend, her eyes were always sparkling with life, with happiness, with something he wanted around him for the rest of his life. He was lucky that he had found her so early on.

It had only been a few weeks that he had been actively pursuing her, but it felt like a lifetime. Natalie was everything he wanted and more, but Kyle was unsure of how to tell her. Unsure of how to express himself because he had never needed to show anyone that emotion. His friend William had long since told him to make his first move, to just get it out of the way and let her know how he truly feels.

He could hear the knocking on the front door, but his stomach jumped a little, unsure if he should make his move now or wait until after their day at the carnival. Either way, they’d either become what he wanted – or they wouldn’t speak for a while. Kyle thought this over and then shook his head, no matter how long he thought, he wouldn’t know what to do. So he opened the door and looked at Natalie, she smiled at him, “Come on Kyle, the carnival isn’t going to be there forever!” She grabbed his hand and tugged him out of his house.

“Hold on,” Kyle pulled on her hand, causing her to stumble slightly backwards. She turned towards him and tilted her head, how the heck was he supposed to do this? “You’re just going to kidnap me without giving me a hug?” He pouted a bit and she grinned before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her level for the hug.

“There, better?” She let go and put her hands on her hips.

“Just one more thing,” He said before leaning down, he pecked her on the lips, her lips were soft and smooth, everything he had imagined them to be. The kiss was brief but gave him an unrealistic ideal for their relationship. Natalie looked at him with her large brown eyes and said nothing, she was blushing. Kyle grinned. “Come on, wouldn’t want to miss the carnival,”

“Y – yeah,”