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Kilia is offline
Old 02-21-2010, 05:53 AM

"It may not be your place to be the one who is scary but the fact of the matter is all three of us are scary even if we aren't looking scary at the moment. Kinate, you say i am disgusting for not knowing everything about me and keeping the part of me that i do know about me alive? Yet you say nothing about Noura who clings to both parts of herself, there is no difference between me or her. What is disgusting about being who I have known myself to be?" Mat said as he stopped smileing and got a serious look on his face. He took the plate, sat down, looking down at the food he sat it next to him. He wasn't trying to be rude but he felt like he didn't need to be holding anything in case he had to leave right away. He pulled some meat off of the fish and ate it slowly wondering if he should just leave now or change the subject.