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Chu's Charity
.:Chu:. is offline
Old 02-22-2010, 05:05 AM

What's That EI?

EI, otherwise known as Event Item. Are you new, missed that first event and wish you had at least one of them items. Well look no further. If Chu has it or can find it, you can have it. This section is for new users only please. Chu knows that most older users have at least one of each EI. Chu Will not be giving out any '07 EI's, they should be quested for. If you joined during the last event, you may still be eligible. Just fill out Chu's Form, and follow the steps. Chu does not guarantee you will get something you like, but be thankful to get something anyway.

1. Post 5 times in any forum. I will check if need be.
2. You must be no more than 2 months old.
3. Fill out the spiffy form
4. Send that spiffy form to me in a PM
5. Wait to see what you get

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Last edited by .:Chu:.; 03-31-2010 at 04:33 PM..