Thread: Dir en grey
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ArsenicAttitude is offline
Old 03-05-2010, 02:34 AM

Woo Dir en grey page!
I love Dir en grey.
They're my favorite band.
Anyways, to answer your questions haha.

1. I like them because their sound is versatile and unique.
You really don't know what you're going to get from them in each album.
It's just something different.
Also, their music has helped me through some tough times and I can relate to a lot of their songs.

2. Oh god favorite PV?
I would have to say Yokan for now.
I just love the concept of it.

3. Favorite song right now would probably be Vinushka.
Second favorite is C.
Third is Jesus Christ R'n'R.

4. I really like all the albums.
More I listen to than others.
But if I had to choose, it would be a tie between Withering to Death, Vulgar, and Uroboros.
Can't pick just one haha.

5. I like all of them, but to order them, it would be:

Toshi is growing on me more now.
He has so much energy in the live performances, as do all the others too.

I love Dir en grey lol.
Hopefully, I can go to one of their concerts one day.
That would be the best day of my life.