Thread: Frozen in Time
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 03-05-2010, 05:43 AM

((Perhaps wait for our little Lyra to post? :P))

Sephiroth cast a glare over to Kej and his human friend before stepping over to his crystal bed once more. Running his gloved hand over the sculpted side, he stared at the bluish glass for a few moments before glancing back to the two as they left the building.
Alone once again.

Kej gently pulled Lyra after him, heading out the door they had entered. "I never would have let you near there if I would have known he was awake," the elf said quietly, brushing his hand across her warm cheek. The action made him blush, and once again he was glad she couldn't see him.