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Obsidian Raven's Song
Obsidian Raven's Song is offline
Old 03-13-2010, 08:06 AM

The Twilight Saga *shudders* I still haven't summed up the courage to read Eclipse. New Moon made me physically ill for two days, but I've been told I can't bad mouth the books unless I've read them and once I've read them I'll change my opinion, so I'm just doing this to prove them wrong lol.
Eve of Destruction by S. J. Day. Mostly because I got sidetracked by something else and for some reason I can't go from book one to book two without a different series in between. Don't know why...
Black by Ted Dekker. Something shiny crossed my path ^^
Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson. I miss the characters from the first book and I'm at a really slow part right now. I know it will be amazing once I push through, but yeah...
The Darkness that Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker. The begining is sooooooooo sloooooooooooow. Apparently it gets better further in, but, once again, yeah.
Deja Dead by Kathy Reich. Can't remember why I stopped reading it.
Scar Night by Alan Campbell. Once again, something shiny.

Will probably end up finishing all these books but I'm more interested in others at the moment.