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(。´∀`)/ Pets your head~

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 09:17 PM

Miyuku gasped as he pushed her back, she was helpless as she tried to not trip over and fall. She let out a horrified scream as the wolf jumped onto him. Miyuku felt strange, it was like every thing was slower, and to make things worse she could not see past the heavy fog that settled down all of a sudden!

What was going on! "Alexander!" she screamed his name, but her words seemed slurred even to her. After what seemed like ages to her she saw the fog clearing. "Alexander!" Miyuku panicked as she screamed his name running towards him. She dropped down immediately on her knees beside him, she held him. Miyuku's eyes locked on the wolves, where they going to attack again?

She gently propped Alexander up against her and looked at his hand. She gasped, looks like she was his bad luck charm or something, even the last time they had met he seemed to be in danger and in pain. She held him carefully, she bit on the lower lip as she waited nervously for what was going to happen next.