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The Anti-Rainbow.
KittehMEW is offline
Old 03-30-2010, 02:58 AM

That is right, you have come upon the Llama farm, a place that will meet all your custom Llama needs. So, move along, order your Llama!

[B]My Llama's name is...[/B] NAME HERE
[B]Of course, it is...[/B] (Male or Female)
[B]It is a beautiful shade of...[/B] (Colour your want your Llama)
[B]With markings like...[/B] (Pattern if any. Polka-dots, stripes, stars, etc etc.)
[B]What Llama is complete without it's...[/B] (Any accessories you'd like for your Llama. I can draw just about everything. Sunglasses, scarf, cape, mask, purse, dress, flowers, etc etc.)
[B]I'd like to say...[/B] (Tagline, only if you are purchasing a Mega-Llama Card)
[B]My llama skills...[/B] (About your Llama. Only if you're buying the Mega-Llama card.)
[B]Upgrade my mega-llama card to a limited edition colour scheme...[/B] Yes or No? +10g. (read bottom of post to find out more.)
[B]I owe you this many monies...[/B] (Prices in first post.)
Llama (Key-chain Form + Mini-Llama Card) - 30g, Each Accessory - 10g, Background - 15g.
Mega Llama Card Upgrade - +20g.
You will get both the Key-Chain and the Mini-Llama Card with your purchase, and a Mega-Llama Card Upgrade can be purchased in addition.

As a note to all of you out there, I believe in all Llamas being individuals, and for that reason I will not draw a llama that is similar to a resident already on the farm. Everyone has creativity, and for that reason I believe each person can create their own llama, and how they would like it. I do not mean by this that is someone orders, say a rainbow scarf, for their llama I will not draw one for you, but I will draw the line at someone asking for basically a recreation of a llama already made. Feel free to be inspired by other ideas, but they are exactly that, their ideas, and I respect that.

What is that? You want a fancy MEGA LLAMA CARD that matches the colours of your Llama, much like the LIMITED EDITION ones included with the mystery eggs? Well, for a short time only, you can have the colour of your Llama card changed to match your llama, or any other colours you want, for cheaps. Just 10g extra~!

Last edited by KittehMEW; 04-20-2010 at 02:48 PM..