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As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
alonegirl-rocks-the-world is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 02:02 AM

Most of this was already posted in my LiveJournal. But since no one reads that, I really have no decent gauge on how bad my writing really is.

I'm open to critique, but please make it constructive and helpful. I want to get better. :3

NOTE (once again): These have all been posted on my livejournal. So please don't think that I'm stealing these from anywhere.

I Told The Moon My Secrets

I told the moon my secrets
and she kept them locked away.
She held all of my troubles
and let me live again.
She never told a soul
about how I felt that night
nor would she ever let it

I told the moon my secrets
and she kept them locked away.
I confessed my darkest actions
but she just looked at me
and smiled.
She never tried to judge me
or tell me I was wrong.
She merely nodded
and listened all night.

I told the moon my secrets
and she kept them locked away.
I'll never regret
telling my story to the
one who would always believe me.
She never tried to blame me
for what happened here or there.
She just let me tell my tale
and kept her lips sealed.

I told the moon my secrets
because I trusted no one else.
And every night I see her
shining down on me,
I can't help but smile
because I know that
she knows me better
than anyone on this earth.

Written while contemplating calling a friend back

The same words
come pouring onto paper
every time your face
haunts my thoughts.

You were my mistake.
I was your mistake.
Giving you up
was mine
I just often wonder
what yours was.

Was I really that happy?
Were you ever happy
with me?
Were you happy with
the idea of me?

You still make me laugh
more than anyone else
ever will.

That song you wrote
just for me.
I never got to hear it.
Do you still remember it?
Or has it become hers now?

I never let you know
how badly it hurt
to pick up the phone
that night.
I never want you
to find that out.

There is no hope
left for me.
But you've got
your whole future
ahead of you.
Don't waste time lingering
on me.

You were perfect.
and now that I see
your flaws
you're even more so.

I want a lot of things
for you.
to you.
with you.
but I can only want
your happiness
and want it to
spread to me

I think I'll call tomorrow.

Untitled 9/15

That magical hour
How many wishes have been spent
whispering your name
Praying that you might hear
my voice on the wind
and feel that strange stir
in your blood
in your heart
in your head
I only hope that one day you hear
you hear and you know
what I mean when I say
I need you with me
When I whisper your name
When I want your arms around me
Perhaps that magic hour
can carry all I feel
on some cloud of emotion
to you
And that you might one day
waste a wish or two on me.

New Poem From Graduation. Not one of my better works, but I felt I should post something new xD;

A bit of closure just backfired on me. (5-15-2010)

Your eyes
wide as saucers
as I walked across the room
A quiet stammer
that huge smile I love
and a hug
to crush my confidence
all before you walked across the stage.

After the pomp
after fighting my way
to see you before
running away
to a life
without you.
You catch me.
Hold me.
Whisper in my ear
like the way things used to be.
Her eyes flash.
But I smile and say "Congratulations!
He's told me so much about you."
A catty sniff
and she walks away.

But you don't notice.
Too blinded by the thrill
of me in your arms.
to see that
she doesn't want me
near you.
And just when I thought
I could tell you good bye.
One more hug
and your lips.
those God forsaken lips
press against my forehead.

An anointment of trust.
Of care.
Of something so real
so true
so damn raw between us
that it stings.

And with that smile
breathtaking and pure
you whisper
"I'm so glad you're here."

And for a fleeting moment
I am too.

A brief selection. All of the rest can be found under the "read more" link in my signature.

I hope that you enjoyed it, or at least didn't hate it enough to vomit.

Last edited by alonegirl-rocks-the-world; 05-16-2010 at 05:04 PM..