Thread: buying and selling UPDTD 03/03/11 Welcome back 2katty2
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2katty2 is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 08:09 AM

hehehe you are doing way better than me. I have 49 eggs total but I didn't read any of the clues I just went through every tab up above and looked everywhere I could think of.

I guess it is supposed to delete that clue when you find that item...

I haven't done much of anything for Easter anywhere...

I almost have all of my files, programs, and updates re-loaded on my new hard drive... Finally...

GOD that has been stressful... Having my hard drive crash, having to wait to have a new one delivered. You can't buy anything like that out here. We have no computer anything out here in this town... hehehe...

Oh well, even in RL I didn't do anything for the past week.

Oh, except that Dr appointment on Wed.

How is your Son, your Man, and You doing?