Thread: buying and selling UPDTD 03/03/11 Welcome back 2katty2
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Pa-pancake is offline
Old 04-05-2010, 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by 2katty2 View Post
Pa-pancake honey & Pra-prawn honey,

hehehe Dang I hope that you are back for good so that we can talk again...

Do you have my home personal email address? So even if you can't come to Mene you could still talk to me some?

I will have to see what I have extras of to help you out. I will have to do that later this week though because my Granddaughter will be here from Mon early until Wed late...
I received your pm about your email address. That is useful since I work most of the day now and email is the only thing that I can access regularly though I usually don't reply personal emails much at work. Especially since my boss may be hounding over and watching at any time.

But yeap, I hope to be back for as long as I am not busy. Haha. Work eats into my very soul now. 12 hours of my precious day have been sacrificed to the office! O.O

You don't have to help me out really :) I'm actually catching up quite a bit now since I'm trying to be gung ho into getting all the missed EIs first at least and I believe I have managed to grab some great deals here at the exchange!

If you need help with any Easter eggs though, I'm always here since I have a whole load and I'm not even bothered to sort them out XD Just poke me on any colour you need and I'll be sure to give them to you.

I hope you have a great time with your grand daughter! Monday would mean... now over there since its already late Monday night here. Enjoy yourself katty
