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Annalesia is offline
Old 04-25-2010, 08:26 PM

Peyton looked at the girl from a different world curiously. He hesitated, his face black, tilted as he looked at her. She had held out her hand to his, to tell his time, he was guessing, but Peyton's hesitation was no longer just that. He pulled his hands behind his back, stepping away from the girl. He knew she had good intentions, and meant him no harm, but letting someone-especially a woman-into his head was much too intimate. Especially when it was with a student.

He shook his head, addressing her other point, "I appreciate your cooperativeness. I will find a way to repay you for your efforts, most definitely," he looked down at her small outstretched hand.

"However, she will have no need your blood, my Time Lady. I will provide both Abigail and Kyo with a steady supply of blood. And, as for my power," he hesitated, wondering whether he should explain how it works to her, "you may think of it as you wish."

He decided it'd be better off to wait, until there were absolutely no doubts over the student before he could let them into his family for real. For now, they were just school family...

He had to find a way to change the subject from him. That isn't how this is supposed to go, the focus should be on them, not him. Though, he did find it extremely interesting how she described his power, and he began to think of her as more innocent than he had thought.

{{I have to leave for a picnic now. I'll be back in a few hours. (: Sorry, guys.}}