Thread: Amuse Me...
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Lise is offline
Old 06-07-2010, 11:53 PM

Heh... Let's make this interesting, shall we? I am going to keep the prizes a secret. I will only tell you the following about them...
  • The grand prize will be a Contribution Item worth at least 9,000g.
  • The second place prize will be worth at least 4,000g.
  • Additional prizes may be given out based on how many entries I receive that I like. If I receive 7 that I love, 7 prizes will be given out. If I only like 2, only 2 prizes will be given out. So do your absolute best and don't be intimidated by submissions you think are better than yours.
  • A minimum of 2 prizes will be given out, guaranteed.

There you have it, Menewshans. Now get to writing and try to impress me. You have until the event ends.

Last edited by Lise; 07-17-2010 at 04:17 AM..