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Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 06-16-2010, 11:20 PM

Iseh: I'll ask the spirits for a numbers dream tonight. XDD

Yeah. -_-; Usually everyone gives us the same run around of, 'you don't want our department, you want this one', 'oh, I don't know why ANYONE would tell you to call US'. *twitch* We got that earlier looking for photo paper. Every store was like, 'nope, we don't carry that, try [insert place]'.

Dare you to draw an alien Ise. She'd have cute antennae or something.

Of course it did, as is inevitable with schools. Dx

Me too. ;o;

Carrie: D: I have nothing to say to that but sad faces.