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This is an obnoxious and offensive message.
ljosberinn is offline
Old 07-08-2010, 07:45 PM

Ahh I know that problem. I moved to another country for uni a couple of years ago and it was definitely the best thing I've ever done. My life has become so much better in such a short amount of time, it's incredible! And so much more random. : D
The thing to do is just to be really random, so that people never know what to expect! I think I am that a bit anyway, so people around me have stopped being surprised when I do something completely different from what I "usually" do. I mean.. I change my gender definition periodically, so I guess if they're used to that, they can get used to anything, haha.

Oh, come on. Everyone has that excuse, that there's nothing to do that isn't really expensive. This is a universal problem, and it's never true. Sure, in some places it's easier to find things maybe, and some places are cheaper than others, but still. You can always just meet up with people and go out for a walk, go to a park (and juggle!), go swimming.. I dunno, whatever catches your interests. I have no money either, but I'm never bored!