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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
It would seem that way but I'm there for 4hrs straight and it takes an 1hr driving home afterwards. * - * lol
Thank you! Luck shall...well, I'll take your luck you give me. xD; Jynxing myself is just baaaaad mojo. ~

:heart: <3

Hosnaps! Psychology? Were you not offered that for High School?
They actually tossed that College Course in there in my HS of my Senior yr and it was a College credit class like Chemistry.
I think AP Biology was considered College credit w/ Calculus, too. @ _ @; Only the top students took those classes and they only consisted of 10 in our whole class. xD

eh? So you're going to take 5 classes this Fall semester altogether? Are you sure you can survive doing that? o.o;
I know my brother did that and he blew his classes away like water taking 5 classes a semester but he also ate up his Financial aid because of that.

How many pre classes do you have to do before you get into the bigger ones?

I only have 2 more, which I'm taking this Fall and then its all the big classes from there...
Financial Accounting, and Business Law will be after that.

The reason why I'm taking only 2 or 3 classes per semester is because I have a hard time focusing on what I need to do.
And I get distracted easily. I've always had that problem. :/ I get better grades this way and my GPA remains at a 4.0. <3

Do you know what your GPA is?
That sucks majorr :(

They offered it - but it didn't fit into my schedule~
And I'm going to be a Psychologist, so I'm actually really excited to take it ^_^;;

I believe it's actually required haha
It's either 4 classes or 5 classes total that I need to take in order to be a full time student here :yes:

And I'm honestly not sure - I haven't met with my adviser yet and can't until orientation~

Aww - yay! :D <3

And no - I haven't even started college yet, Miro-chan XD;
I just graduated high school :P
And we don't have GPA's like colleges do~