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As long as you remember her, you are not alone.
alonegirl-rocks-the-world is offline
Old 07-13-2010, 01:31 AM

New as of July 12.

Hearts Can Cry Without Shedding Tears, Lad.

He wasn't mine in the first place.
What right do I have
to lay claim to something
so precious.
so glorious
so perfect.
No right at all.
Not even when my thoughts
are of nothing
save for his arms.
Or my dreams of his face
keep me longing for sleep
His words flooding over me
bringing a tear to my eye
My heart beats
only with the hopes
that he will be there
and he will
My tongue sings
only of his praises
My very bones ache with
and that stupid
worthless emotion
of something far greater
than I can ever hope for.
And who has the right to contain that?

Not I.