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Old 07-14-2010, 11:51 PM


Team Name: Gypsies
Task #: 5
Interview 1
Welcome everyone, to the Silver On Saturday show!
Today's guest is the lead belly-dancer and production host from the Feast of Fools caravan!

Give her a big round of applause, everyone!

-Applause and shouting, etc-

Now, let's get comfy and then get right down to business with this interview, shall we?

Q#1 - So, Feyona. Is it all right if I call you that?
I hear you're the lead gypsy in the caravan, doing performances, acts, etc.
Is it true? Also, how did you find out about the caravan in the first place?
Did you meet them at one of the other events?
If so, which one?

-Answer- Yes it is true. I found out about the caravan because I have my... ways... *looks around suspiciously* I was informed of the caravan by the most interesting set of circumstances. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to reveal them. Or what event I was at when I learned about it... But I trust that you'll keep this information to yourself, yes? *waves away someone dressed all in black about to smash a crystal ball over Silver's head*

Q#2 - What kind of acts are you involved in?
Are they dangerous? Because I heard someone was attacked by a fire-breathing camel. I don't think that sounds overly safe.
But, you seem to be alright, so I suppose you're fairly cautious about your performances?

-Answer- We're involved in all kinds of acts. From dancing to fire dancing, sword juggling and many other dangerous things, but we do use the standard precautions. We are fairly cautious about our performances. Kage was attacked by the fire-breathing camel because he was acting all sweet on BellyButton and the camel got possessive and decided to exact his revenge in a tasteful way.

Q#3 - Any stories about strange happenings backstage?
My viewers love a good tale, creepy or not.
I remember once, I had an alleged ghost in my dressing room.
Turned out to be Yumeh. He got into the studio and fell in my face-powder.
Poor cat hasn't been to visit me since.

-Answer- Backstage? Well, HappyStarr threatened a pizza delivery guy and later killed him... we found out about each others favorite hobbies which certainly didn't involve killing or stealing anything. We listened to some awesome music. Altered a Kimono, dressed up a cat, and got to see Kage in a skirt. *bends over and whispers* it's really something you must see!

Q#4 - I forgot to mention, that's quite the outfit you have on, without any burn marks! (The darn camel didn't get you! 8D)
Did you make it on your time off, or did you obtain the pieces on your caravan's travels? I especially like the cape you have on. Where did you get it?

-Answer- I made it all. I'm rather proud of myself. The cape I actually made by adhering a big clear plastic sheet to the bottom of it which is how I got the separated look. *holds it up to the light* See, it's shiny!

Q#5 - Ah, our time is almost up on the Silver on Saturday show, so I guess this'll be our last question for the day!
The audience would really love to know if you'd recommend the show. Is it worth seeing?
I have a ticket I got from my cousin, so I'm considering wandering over to see all the different spectacles.

-Answer- It's a definite must-see. I'm extremely proud of all my troupe members who did an excellent job in each of their roles. I'd say you should at least check it out once!

Interview 2

Welcome everyone, to FeyFey's Fantastic Facts!
Today's guest is a gypsy from the Feast of Fools caravan who was a big part of this past week's Street Circus! Everyone give it up for Silver Magi!!

-Applause and shouting, etc-

Now that you're comfortably seated, I've got a few questions for you about the program in general and would like to know your thoughts about it.

Q#1 - So, Silver. It's all right that I call you that, right?
I know that you've been doing a whole lot of the work and haven't hardly gotten any of the limelight. How does that make you feel?

-Answer- Actually, I don't feel jealous about it at all.
I feel like the avatar contest was a success, and hopefully everyone had as much fun as I did.
This past week's event has been quite the experience, that's for sure.

Q#2 - I heard your male performer was wearing a skirt for a little while, is that true? What do you think it was like for him?

-Answer- Yes, it's true!
I don' think he felt that awkward. I'm a male, and I've got a whole dress on!

Q#3 - I heard there were also a few people from your troupe that didn't show up. Was it hard to cope with those losses?

-Answer- Yes, actually. One was a friend of mine, but I know he's been rather busy.
Oh well, they're the ones that missed out on all the frantic fun!

Q#4 - There were several acts preformed. Would you tell me about your favorite and what about it caused you to love it so much?

-Answer- Hm. That's a really hard question. I had quite a few favorites.
I really enjoyed playing around with the kimono for the new fashion.
I also liked writing the E-Mails to the NPCs of Menewsha.

Q#5 - Ah, I see time runs short and our fling together on FeyFey's Fantastic Facts has almost come to a complete end, so I guess this'll be our last question for the day!

Was there anyone there you were attracted to? Come on, you can tell us. And we won't tell the press if it's the camel. *big obvious wink*

-Answer- Hm. Not that I can recall. Although that camel was pretty fiiiiine.

Firebreathing mammals are always sexy.

Last edited by FeyonaSaibre; 07-14-2010 at 11:59 PM..