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HappyStarr is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 08:38 PM

hahaha awesome stuff! Yea, I didn't like how distracted the camera guy in the second video seemed to was confusing. But I liked the juggler, so I thought I'd share it. ^_^"

I love watching people on unicycles. It's rare to see, but every now and then there'll be someone on a unicycle just ridin' around. Extremely rare, but the few times I've seen it, I've been highly pleased and amused. XD

Stealing the balls from another juggler sounds interesting...I'm sure you'll get it down, though! :D

I kinda wish there was something like that around here...but if there is, then they're VERY good at hiding. =/ I wouldn't be surprised if the closest group I could find happened to be in Maryland or D.C. (I never drive to D.C...and Maryland's an extra 2-3 hour drive on a normal day...) Maybe once I'm down in Savannah, I'll find more groups for several different things. >D


Well...I just discovered a nearby group that meets on Thursdays...but I'm terrified of going. XD