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Puddlez is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 03:05 PM

Sadly all RP's need rules or bad things happen...and I'm the one to have to tell you T^T


1. First and for most! FOLLOW ALL MENE'S RULES~! We don't want any problems here ^^;
2. Please let us know if you're going on vacation. Or if you're not interested in the rp anymore and don't want to be in it any more. Please. We wont hate you. We'll be sad to see you go but things happen.
3. I want things organized. Let us know if there is something wrong with your profile. We wont bit...hehehe much XD No seriously. We wont bit you're heads off. Mistakes happen ^^
4. For this rp there is no acceptance for one liners. We want AT LEAST four sentences. Please it's not that hard. We don't want this dying. Group rps always seem to die. We want this to last for a long time~! ~hopes~
6. Romance is very encouraged. This is a mansion filled with couples. Just once the clothes start coming off take it into pms. We don't want to get into trouble here ^^;
6. Don't know why but just in case, violence. No one is invincible. Someone punches you in the face it's going to hurt. Not possible to get a fist in the face and nothing to happen. It hurts. And give people a chance to move out of the way if they want/can.
7. I don't think I have to say this either but no Godmoding. Sorry people but you're not a god. If you are then give me a DSXL! (XD Trying to save up for one currently) If not then I'll just kick you off if you think you are one and a jerk about it ^^ Thank you~!
8. DO NOT CONTROL OTHER PEOPLES CHARACTERS! Not yours you can't move them.
9. ABSOLUTELY NO TEXT TALK! It bothers me a bit....okay a lot and I barely understand it DX
10. This is the OOC thread~! House of Madness Talk here and not on this page. This is the rping page. Plus when the rp starts we can still talk ^^
11. Put =3:O:) in the pm you send me so I know that you read and understand the rules~! Please and thank you~! XD


If you have gotten this far then...
That means I didn't scare you away~! XD

Fill this out and pm it to Akeno not me^^
Name:(your mene name)
Character you want to be: (self explanitory)
Bio: (You can change or add to what the actual anime/book character has done or has been done to it)
Personality: (same as above. Can be changed if wish)
Apperence: (if you find a cute pic of your character you can stick it here XD)

Last edited by Puddlez; 07-22-2010 at 04:12 PM..