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Akeno is offline
Old 07-22-2010, 03:51 PM

Now for the characters that are going to be used.
These will be the ones that most people know

(or the ones that me and Puddlez could think of XD)



Originally Posted by Arcturus Sinclair
Name: Arcturus Sinclair
Character you want to be: Axel
Bio: Axel wishes to achieve his own ideal of immortality by having everyone he comes in contact with remember him, saying the phrase "Got it memorized?" on multiple occasions. Entrusted to deal with Organization traitors, Axel controls the Assassin Nobodies, and fights with a pair of "chakrams" called "Eternal Flames" (エターナルフレイム, Etānaru Fureimu?) (although the weapons are more like wind and fire wheels from their construction) and fire manipulation. Tasked with showing Roxas the ropes, Axel befriends the boy as his interactions with both him and Sora eventually cause him to express actual emotions as a result.
Personality: Axel's personality changes drastically in between the two games, possibly due to his friendship with Roxas. In Kingdom Hearts II, he has a very laid-back, "go with the flow" outlook on many things, including missions and battles. But he also is shown to have a very kind, heartful side, ironic because he is a Nobody and has no heart. His friendship with Roxas and Xion and his moving final words are examples of this.
He also stated that Roxas made him feel "like he had a heart". Axel was very close with Roxas and Xion. He acted like an older brother towards them, being their main source of advice and wisdom. In some cases he got them out of trouble, including helping out Xion and Roxas when Xion could not summon her Keyblade and preventing them from destroying one another when they were tricked by the Organization into fighting each other.

Originally Posted by Shame_
Character you want to be: Demyx
Bio: ((is pleading the fifth till a Zexy comes along)
Personality: Friendly, loud, lazy, playful, considerate, music nerd,
I mean
Originally Posted by annamolly
Name: annamolly (but call me Anna! :D)
Character you want to be: Severus Tobias Snape
Bio: Severus Tobias Snape was born on January 9, 1960 to Tobias Snape and Eileen Snape née Prince. His father Tobias was a muggle and his mother was a witch. Most accounts cite Tobias as being abusive towards Eileen and young Severus as he did not understand and therefore did not like magic.

The Snapes lived in a small house in Spinners' End, which Severus later inherited.

When Severus was fairly young, he met Lily Evans, a muggleborn witch, who lived not far away from him. They became best friends. However, neither Severus nor Lily appreciated Lily's younger sister Petunia accompanying them at the park and then tattling frequently. One can imagine that Petunia and Severus did not have a very good relationship.

When Severus went to Hogwarts, he was a very studious individual but was placed in Slytherin House, with his best friend Lily going into Gryffindor. This made it harder to be friends. Lily became very popular but Severus was something of an outcast, especially because he was bullied by a group called the Mauraders, which consisted of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. Since many people liked them, they easily turned others against Snape. Because of this, Snape turned to his studies and later took a darker path, looking to be accepted and to excel. He was a brilliant student but was especially skilled in the art of Potions.

After Hogwarts, he became a Potions Master and joined the Dark Lord Voldemort as a Death Eater. One night, he heard a prophecy that would later become famous, which was one of two legitimate prophecies given by Sybil Trelawney, who was generally thought of as a fraud. Albus Dumbledore, interviewing the woman for a position as a Divination professor, heard the entire prophecy, but Severus only heard a portion. He told the Dark Lord what he did hear, and Voldemort decided to target James Potter and Lily Potter née Evans, Severus's old friend. He and Lily had grown apart over an incident where he called her a Mudblood (a horrible, discriminatory term for muggleborns) due to anger at the Mauraders (Harry, their son, later sees this in Severus's pensive during an Occlumency lesson).

Harry may be the child mentioned in the prophecy, and James and Lily, but not Harry, are killed. Severus is ridden with guilt, and prostrates himself at Dumbledore's feet. Dumbledore gives him the Potions position since he swears loyalty.

When Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Severus hates him on sight due to looking like James, his childhood enemy and the man who married his best friend. However, he does save Harry's life multiple times. The two had a very odd, tumultuous relationship that, depending on one's beliefs, grew into something better... but that's just supposition.

Well, maybe it isn't. Think about it, they'd be perfect for each other, if they got over their strong hatred and changed it into something else strong.
Personality: Severus is a, to put it into two words, "snarky bastard." He's not a nice individual, really, but he is courageous, honest, and morally upright, in most people's opinion. He's extremely intelligent and will insult you if he feels you are deserving. He's not very patient, either. He also doesn't trust people easily.



(the naruto pairings can be mixed up. Need be we could put itachi with Kisame or something ^^)

If you really want to join and these pairings aren't working for you we're flexible. These don't have to be the ones you rp with. I was just getting the basic idea the pics were just SO CUTE~! ~fan girls~

Last edited by Akeno; 07-30-2010 at 09:56 PM..