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Wandering Faith
Tyhoic is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 04:38 PM

Ah, -sigh- there is so much i could rant about right now, but i believe i shall actually hold it.
I'll let you into a little of it.
Last night i worked till 1am, then went out with work mates drinking.
I left early.
Then i got a text saying someone wants to smash my face in from work.
And they've already gave one of the other girls a black eye.
She expects me to be scared, but is failing at actually achieving that.
I'm just pissed off cause the girl that's after me has no reason to be.
She robbed on of the guys from work (robbed £150 out his bank cause he went cash point with her when he was wasted) that I've known well over a year before i started working there.
He went round telling everyone he loves me and started crying last night after i left.

Enough about my glorious day.
I'm not at work till next Sunday, so it's an improvement.
I'm moving from crappy old Nottingham, down to London :D

How was your weekend?
Do you have a nickname?
'Cause I'm really tempted to just call you Dummeh.