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Fallen Angel, destined to fly; Broken and Crazy but too strong to CRY.
Forever_Trapped is offline
Old 08-18-2010, 03:45 AM

Under smiled. "No, no it isnt. A zombie infected my mother, then turned my brother..." she said, trailing off as the sadness washed over her again. The cold didnt seem to affect Under, since she was in a sleeveless, button down, trench coat -which was fully buttoned and came with a hood-, and then she had a tank top under that, jeans with holes all over them and fishnets under them, and nothing but fishnets covering her arms to her elbow. As Dero began talking, she blinked. She followed him upon instinct, the faint light in the area shining brighter and brighter. Under blinked, trying to concentrate on what was going on.