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For-Chan Cookie
A Cookie for Fun
For-Chan Cookie is offline
Old 08-24-2010, 07:47 AM

Important Announcement
Wallflowers Part 2 is now locked. To continue hanging out with your Wallflower Friends, please join us over in Wallflowers Part 3!
Hope to see you there! :heart:

Welcome to the Wallflower Corner. The Wallflower Corner is a place for the shy people of Menewsha to gather. The thread started long ago when I was too shy to poke my head into big popular chat threads and it has since grown into a big popular chat thread itself! In fact, it grew a little too big and the original thread needed to be locked to spare the poor server. In fact, this one is too big now, so it's also been locked!

But you can never keep a good Wallflower down. We're quite resilient so we have sprung up again in a tiny little corner. Won't you bring some sunshine to our lives and join us in our little corner?

Who are Wallflowers? All those people out there too shy to jump into just any conversation, who lurk in the corner, afraid to speak up. It's not that Wallflowers don't want to talk, they're just shy. But what happens when you stick a bunch of wallflowers in a thread together? Things get a little crazy and everybody has fun! So jump on in! Because if you can't talk to the other wallflowers, you're stuck talking to the wall. And while the wall is pleasant enough, he's a horrible conversationalist.


1. All of the rules of Menewsha apply here! That means no flaming, trolling, cybering, etc. This thread is PG-13, just like the rest of the site, so keep it in your pants boys and girls.
2. Please be friendly! Remember that old saying "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Let's do that. Being mean gets you nowhere and starts drama and makes this a sad place to be. If you can't be nice and get along, go find another thread to mope around in.
3. No Drama! Please keep your drama out of the thread. We want to become friends and hear about your life, but we do not want your drama. If you can't keep it out of the thread, you will be asked to leave.
4. Cookie is your lord and master! No, seriously. It's my thread and what I say goes. If I ask you to tone it down or leave, please do so.

About the head Wallflower:
- I'm For-Chan Cookie, no relation to a certain image board.
- I'm pretty shy. I tend to keep quite unless I really feel that my point of view has not been expressed. If someone else has said what I think ten times over, I don't bother replying to threads. I like what I say to count, not just be a drop in a bucket. When you get me going, I can get pretty chatty and ridiculously silly.
- I like anime, manga, reading fanfiction, writing fanfiction, making web graphics, my dog, BL, cooking, and all sorts of other things.
- Cookie Clone is my mule, be nice if you see him scampering around :D

Last edited by For-Chan Cookie; 08-28-2011 at 06:18 PM..